January 2021 – December 2023
In 2023, ENV opened a new refuse convenience center in Kapolei. The Kapolei convenience center is the City’s first new convenience center in decades and is located at 91-184 Kaomi Loop in Campbell Industrial Park. The new Kapolei convenience center has a modern, efficient design to reduce customer wait times. In 2023, the City also installed live streaming video cameras in all convenience centers, allowing residents to check the line/wait time via the ENV website to efficiently plan their visits. The convenience centers accept household trash and an array of recyclables. - H-POWER ASH RECYCLING PLANT
ENV issued a Notice to Proceed for permitting of the H-POWER ash recycling project. The H-POWER waste-to-energy facility produces approximately 150,000 tons of ash per year and once the ash recycling project is complete, sixty percent or more will be converted into a sand product that can be used in road paving. This project will reduce the amount of ash going to landfills to just 60,000 tons/year, greatly reducing the need for future landfill space. - MAINTAINED CITY SEWER PIPES TO PREVENT OVERFLOWS
ENV cleaned approximately 2,000 miles of gravity sewer mains utilizing mechanical rodding and high pressure, known as high-velocity flushing. ENV also repaired and rehabilitated 100,000 feet of gravity sewer mains, 18,000 feet of sewer laterals and 625 manholes, all to prevent overflows. - CLOSED OUT PART 1 OF THE 2010 WASTEWATER CONSENT DECREE
ENV successfully closed out Part 1 of the 2010 wastewater consent decree (collection system). The collection system portion of the consent decree involved 146 projects with a total construction cost of $1.4 billion. The final Part 1 project was the $85 million Waiakamilo Road/Awa Street Trunk Sewer Replacement project which was completed in April 2022. - COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION OF PART 2 OF THE 2010 WASTEWATER CONSENT DECREE
ENV completed construction of Part 2 of the 2010 wastewater consent decree (Honouliuli WWTP secondary upgrade). Construction of this project, valued at $336 million, began in 2018 and was completed in 2023 with operations of the facility commencing in November 2023. Honouliuli WWTP is fully functional and produces effluent that significantly outperforms federal Clean Water Act (CWA) standards for secondary treatment. - COMMENCED CONSTRUCTION OF PART 3 OF THE 2010 WASTEWATER CONSENT DECREE (FINAL PART)
Commenced construction of Part 3 (final part) of the 2010 wastewater consent decree (Sand Island WWTP secondary upgrade project). ENV issued the Notice to Proceed for Construction in December 2021 for the Sand Island WWTP Secondary Upgrade Project – Phase 1, valued at $460 million. The first phase of the upgrade project is scheduled to be completed in 2026 and will utilize a highly advanced Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) treatment process with a treatment capacity of 20 million gallons per day (MGD). Planning and design for the 70 MGD Phase 2 of this upgrade has been initiated, with construction scheduled to commence in 2029 and be completed in compliance with the Consent Decree deadline of Dec 31, 2035 (valued at $1.5 billion). - COMMENCED CONSTRUCTION OF ENV SUPPORT FACILITIES AT HONOULIULI
Commenced construction of support facilities in Honouliuli, Ewa Beach. ENV issued a Notice to Proceed for construction of the ENV Support Facilities Project, valued at $144 million. The project consists of four buildings (Administration, Central Laboratory, Central Maintenance Shops and Warehouse) and incorporates solar Photovoltaic panels generating 3 MW of on-site green power, 56 EV charging stations for electric City vehicles, and dual piping use of recycled water for toilet flushing (R-1 water produced on-site). The support facilities project is scheduled for completion in late 2025. - COMMENCED CONSTRUCTION ON ADDITIONAL ANAEROBIC DIGESTERS AT SAND ISLAND WWTP
Began construction of additional anaerobic digesters at the Sand Island WWTP. ENV issued a Notice to Proceed for construction of the Sand Island WWTP In-Vessel Bioconversion Facility project, valued at $184 million. This project includes two new digesters (to supplement the existing two) to process the additional solids that will be produced by the new secondary treatment process being constructed to meet the requirements of the 2010 Consent Decree. - COMMENCED CONSTRUCTION OF BIOGAS CLEANING AND STORAGE FACILITIES AT HONOULIULI WWTP
Commenced construction of the biogas cleaning and storage facilities at Honouliuli WWTP. ENV issued a Notice to Proceed with construction for the Honouliuli WWTP Biogas Cleaning and Storage Facilities Project, valued at $31 million. This project will remove contaminants from anaerobic digester biogas and store 200,000 cubic feet of gas for use in digester heaters, sludge dryers, sludge conditioners, and on-site electricity generation. This project is scheduled for completion in late 2024. - COMMENCED CONSTRUCTION OF OPERATIONAL AND SUSTAINABILITY IMPROVEMENTS AT HONOULIULI WWTP
Commenced construction of operational and sustainability improvements at Honouliuli WWTP. ENV issued a Notice to Proceed with construction for the Honouliuli WWTP Headworks, HRBC, Solids Process and Combined Heat and Power Project, valued at $517 million. This project will replace influent screens and grit removal equipment, add a new primary process meant to save energy and increase production of renewable energy, add thermal hydrolysis for sludge conditioning, increase renewable energy production, and add combined heat and power for on-site electricity generation to reduce energy costs. This project is scheduled for completion in 2028. - RECEIVED H-POWER FACILITY AWARD
H-POWER, the City’s waste-to-energy (WTE) facility, was named the Solid Waste Association of North America’s (SWANA) 2023 WTE Facility of the Year for its success at diverting waste from landfill disposal and for producing renewable electricity. The overall diversion rate for Honolulu is 82% which is among the highest achieved in the United States. - RECEIVED WWTP FACILITY PERFORMANCE AWARDS
Received WWTP facility performance awards. Five ENV WWTPs earned National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) Platinum Peak Performance Awards for effluent permit compliance at the Kahuku, Lāʻie, Paʻalaʻa Kai, Waiʻanae and Waimānalo WWTPs in 2021 and 2022 (2023 awards pending). The Platinum awards recognize facilities that have perfect compliance for at least 5 consecutive years.